/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 The effect of solid fuel use on childhood mortality in Nigeria: evidence from the 2013 cross-sectional household survey /manager/Repository/uon:19414  1 to < 60 months dying due to use of solid fuels. The health effects of household use of solid fuels are a major public health threat that requires increased research and policy development efforts. Research should focus on populations in rural areas and low socioeconomic households so that child survival in Nigeria can be improved.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 17:20:03 AEST ]]> Risk factors for under-5 mortality: evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2004-2011 /manager/Repository/uon:27244 Mon 09 Oct 2023 14:51:42 AEDT ]]> The impact of antenatal care, iron-folic acid supplementation and tetanus toxoid vaccination during pregnancy on child mortality in Bangladesh /manager/Repository/uon:30652 Mon 09 Oct 2023 14:51:03 AEDT ]]>